The possibilities

The possibilities are endless, just the moment you think you have counted them all a new wave hits you and an unexpected event takes place and you are wondering and pondering. Trying to reach out for the only face you know in the crowd or a familiar sound you hear on a busy day.. Or just the same old ceiling of your room creating another wave of endless possibilities..

What makes me like the possibilities of possibilities is my inner rage and hate to them.. I can say i hate them as i have always been a “PLAN” girl.. And having so many possibilities makes me eager, un-still and wraps my heart in a cover of velvet giving me chills every time i take a breath.

Yet , when did that ever stops the possibilities from being there.. And drawing our days with different results from morning to night…

I am beginning to embrace.. The fact .. that there will be things and there will be not.. All i can do is to live them or miss them.

Either your impossible becomes someone else’s possibility or their impossible becomes yours.. What you think is yours is actually theirs and all what you can do is just .. nothing.. Really nothing.. Just stand there and watch how it will unravel .. how everything possible and impossible could happen and becomes total sense and in few days… memory.. And one day history that you lullaby yourself with when you’re 80 something .

Bring it on winter of possibilities…..  I missed your chills.