- Song:
- Shape of you
- lean on.
- Book: the magic of tidying up.
- Movie :not Really !
- Animal : puppies… puppies everywhere..
- Weird thing: Just found out that what l self-taught myself makes money and what people thought is worthless !!
- Person: Ed sheeran.. yes that’s expected… i even started liking red heads.. actually i liked them since i was a kid.. but now even more.
- Stuff:
- Deep down.. i am not ok… i cry.. for no reason.. or at least i do not admit it.. but who doesn’t.. i am strong and i ll go through this crap..
- moved to a new city.. with a new job..
- just got my first own place.. furnished it and i found out.. i have no idea how to install a window shade.. cried for this as well.. haha
We all need someone to lean on!