Six TechnologiesThat Changed A Girl From Jordan!

As a working lady with a mind set to aim for success and excellence in all I do , it was vital and inevitable for me to embrace technology to stand out from the crowd who are stuck with the old ways ; I will gladly share with you my top 6 technologies that help me with my daily working life:

1-Samsung Alarm: Briefing

As simple as that is, not a lot of people know that Samsung has this feature where you can select the alarm type and choose something called brief, where you get to choose what does the alarm say to you in the morning. I wake up to something like this:

“Today is Sunday th 25th of October, it is 06:30 AM, you have 5 meetings today, at 0830 the morning brief with Mr. X at the meeting room regarding ……, the weather is nice today , the maximum temperature is 34 degrees and the minimum is 24 degrees. you have three Whats app messages from: X  recieved at 0200 AM,  The market news update: Boeing just signed a contract of 127 billion dollars to etc… Quote of the day: To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities- Bruce Lee”

3 minutes of a one sided conversation that interests my brain and makes me awake in a matter of few seconds, I usually finish making my bed by the end of the brief! Here are sme screen shots to help you set it yourself:

2-Google Now!

This makes a great breakfast companion; just make sure you customize your google now app ( AKA the google Search App) on your cell phone; the main information contained in there are:

  1. A reminder to drive to work and the shortest route based on history from your own driving and traffic reports.
  2. The weather forecast of the day and week.
  3. Google Stocks report as per your customization.
  4. Report of appointments or trips and tickets on your google calendar or in your inbox (for example I booked a flight on and google reminded me of the deadline to cancel it in case I want a refund!)
  5. Google cards, which is a glimpse of the website updates from your google chrome favorites and bookmarks!

My home screen of google now looks something like this:

3-Dropbox App:

My company uses dropbpx as the only way to keep records , so all of my files are placed in my dropbox file on my desktop which I can access on my phone, Ipad and online.. Isn’t that Neat!

4-Not having Facebook!

I do not have a facebook account, yes I had one around 5 years ago, and since I closed it I have never looked back. Facebook is a great source of distraction at work or any other place and I spend most of my time at work working and not networking.. I leave that to the girls I glimpse taking selfies in the ladies room from time to time!

5-Using outlook as the main mail account for my smart phone.

Having my official work email address as the main email account on my phone is phenomenal, I can access my notes, my calendar and shared calendars, my email inbox/ outbox, sent and drafts and I have access to all contacts I have on my outlook as v-cards.. Here is sneak peak of how this looks:

 6-Whatsapp web

Being able to access my whatsapp from my computer has given me the advantage in every case where I needed to send a screen shot, a photo or win a debate in business group chat since I have the advantage of a full QWERTY keypad on my laptop instead of that 5 cm on my phone! Here is a tutorial on how to use it, Check It Out!

I hope your Next Sunday gets a little bit easier with these tips. All the best and have aproductive week ahead !